Previously in this series, we learned about an innovative LG VRF solution installed in the Sharpe Building at the Foundry in Rhode Island. In the final installment in this series, we will learn about the LG VRF solution installed at Smouse Opportunity School in Iowa. This project offered a unique set of challenges that led project leaders to select LG to deliver the HVAC solution that could meet their needs.

LG’s VRF solution provides innovative technology even for historic structures
Providing Comfort While Maintaining Structural Integrity
Smouse Opportunity School was initially commissioned in Iowa in 1931 specifically for special needs students. The school was one of Iowa’s first schools dedicated to providing a learning environment for physically or mentally disabled students that were unable to attend traditional schools. The 80 year old design of the building presented challenges when upgrading its HVAC system. The historic building had unique designs that housed specific environments over several floors. Providing a comfortable environment for students while maintaining the historic architectural integrity of the structure with an efficient HVAC system was a key requirement of the project.
LG Multi V Water Takes Advantage of Existing Water Sources
The development team selected the LG Multi V Water IV VRF system to satisfy all the requirements of Smouse Opportunity School. The LG VRF solution fit seamlessly into the environment as the system was able to connect to the schools existing central plant with a cooling tower and boiler, which made it easy to incorporate the LG water-cooled condensing units in the basement of the school. The LG HVAC system was installed over a 10 week period during summer vacation at the Smouse and the historic structure is now fit with a state-of-the-art HVAC system that preserves the historic value of the building while saving the school money on energy costs.

LG indoor HVAC unit installed at Smouse Opportunity School
This is our last installation in this US case study series, but please keep a look out for more case studies to learn about our innovative HVAC solutions being installed around the world.
[Part 1] Columbia Square
[Part 2] The Mill at Dover-Foxcroft
[Part 3] The Sharpe Building at the Foundry
LG VRF Solutions Making Impact in US